Friday, February 15, 2019

San Andreas Cops Episode 9 - Full Investigation

Join me in LSPDFR as we perform a full investigation on a trespassing call.

New in this episode is our fancy new intro with royalty-free music by Bruno E, a Declasse Brigham patrol car which is based on the late 1980s Chevy Caprice, and the Stop The Ped and Interaction+ scripts. Also new is that instead of "GTA V LSPDFR" I am now titling the videos "San Andreas Cops." Same patrols, just a different name and a fancy intro.

Interaction+ simulates dialogue between the officer and the stopped driver, something LSPDFR lacks. Stop The Ped integrates with other plugins and allows us to do quite a few things from one convenient menu. We can ask for a person's ID, question them, search them, run alcohol and drug tests on them, grab them or have them follow us, call a taxi or an ambulance for them, arrest them, or release them.

One interesting issue is that sometimes STP and some other plugin conflict with each other, and upon placing an arrested subject in the police car, the subject will exit the back seat, enter the driver's seat, and drive off in the police car still handcuffed. When this happens, we cannot order them out at gunpoint or arrest them, nor can we pull them out of the car. Why this happens, I still don't know.

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